Version 0.4.0
Released on the
of April, 2005
This release was more of a preview than a BETA. It took the user on a quick tour, showing some of the accessories.
- File-viewer greatly improved. Now supports text colors and more
- Tic Tac Toe (I like that game!)
- Scripting language once again rewritten from scratch
- Desktop trashed, a new one will be written from scratch
- Costa now reads all string from language files, making it possible to translate Costa, or just change the string for fun
- Had a short start-up sound played through the PC speaker (just for fun, won’t be there in the final version, not even the next one)
- Screen resolution changed from 640x480 to 640x350. It reduces the amount of text which can fit on the screen, but it gives me the ability to remove almost all flicker
- Inputbox updated, now the entire textbox isn’t redrawn when pressing backspace
- Scripting language back, rewritten from scratch!