The Archive

I have decided to make every previous version of Costa available for download, to preserve its history and to allow anyone interested in seeing how Costa has evolved to do so.

In the archive you will find a complete list of releases, with changelog for each version, as well as a screenshot.

It's a long list, with releases spanning nearly two decades. To download the most recent version of Costa, head on over to the Download section.

Version 1.8.0

Version 1.8.0

Screenshot of Costa 1.8.0

Costa 1.8.0 is a minor release, mostly focused on bugfixes. One new feature is that COSTA.BAT has been replaced with COSTA.EXE.

  • New launcher, COSTA.EXE, which works independently of current path, making the SETUP.EXE program that created COSTA.BAT obsolete. SETUP.EXE has been removed, and setup of Costa is no longer required. Internal code to handle paths removed, resulting in quicker execution.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in Minesweeper mistakingly thinking 1 field had yet to be cleared, when the game had actually been won.
  • Fix mouse selection in file browser dialog, that was offset by a few pixels.
  • Fix bug that resulted in icons being unmovable when no mouse driver was loaded.
  • Optimized mouse code to only call mouse driver interrupts if a mouse was detected at startup, improving speed on systems without a mouse.
  • Code to check if file exists rewritten to use MS-DOS interrupt calls, resulting in quicker execution.
  • General optimizations to reduce overall size of Costa.
  • Text viewer now uses a variable width font, allowing much longer lines to be displayed.



Version 1.7.5 Version 1.7.4 Version 1.7.3 Version 1.7.2 Version 1.7.1 Version 1.7.0 Version 1.6.0 Version 1.5.0 Version 1.4.0 Version 1.3.0 Version 1.2.0 Version 1.1.0 Version 1.0.0 Version 0.9.9 Version 0.9.8 Version 0.9.5 Version 0.9.4 Version 0.9.3 Version 0.9.2 Version 0.9.1 Version 0.9.0 Version 0.8.0 Version 0.7.0 Version 0.6.0 Version 0.4.0 Version 0.3.3 Version 0.3.0 Version 0.2.3 Version 0.0.1