The Costa GUI
The Costa GUI

The Archive

I have decided to make every previous version of Costa available for download, to preserve its history and to allow anyone interested in seeing how Costa has evolved to do so.

In the archive you will find a complete list of releases, with changelog for each version, as well as a screenshot.

It's a long list, with releases spanning nearly two decades.

Version 0.9.8

Released on the 10th of October, 2009
Screenshot of Costa 0.9.8

I came to the conclusion that Costa wasn’t developing at the speed I wanted it to. The reason for this was that I needed to design a complete scripting language and write a parser for it before I could actually start making programs for Costa, which meant that all my time was used on the parser. So I decided that the best for Costa was to return to single-tasking, like back in the old days when I released a new version frequently.

To download the most recent version of Costa, head on over to the Download section.